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Reference and Instruction Guide

Reference and Instruction Services

The goal of the library's reference and instruction services is to improve the information literacy skills of all library users including faculty, students and staff. For this purpose, various models of training sessions are provided including the instruction in the library Instruction Room LLC 104, in the students' classrooms, or online through Canvas Conference Tool.

The instruction is also available by appointment to individuals looking for assistance on how to access the resources within the library collection or through the Interlibrary Loan and how to go over the whole steps of their research.

The reference assistance is also available online, via phone and email: Chat online via FalconChat, (432) 552-2396, or

In addition, LibGuides provide reference and research instructions to students and faculty. “Citation Guide” and “Scholastic Dishonesty/ Plagiarism Guide” in addition to individual guides on each subject program are some of the examples.

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