American Academy of Political and Social Science membership organization but see below
AAPSS : News Provides free access to commentary, comment and discussion on political science.
Eurostat EU statistical arm; Choice Outstanding site
Futurity : Research News from Top Universities in the US, UK, and Canada major topic areas are—Earth & Environment; Health & Medicine; Science & Technology; Society & Culture. Full text materials are available from 2009 forward.
Good Writing in Political Science : An Undergraduate Primer this is a downloadable 9 page guide by an associate professor of Political Science at George Washington Univ.; it was released in 2010 and provides advice for political science students on how to write good essays. Creative Commons License.
Index of Political Blogs maintained by Richard Kimber
Internet Library of Early Journals : Digital Library of 18th and 19th Century Journals The site was created by the Universities of Birmingham, Leeds, Manchester, and Oxford. It provides free access to the full text of a number of leading 18th and 19th century English journal titles. The Annual Register (1758-78) and Gentleman's Magazine (1731-50) include notes on parliamentary activity election, parliamentary reform and world events from a British viewpoint.
Law and Politics Book Review an electronic periodical published by The Law and Courts Section of the American Political Science Association. The Review began in March 1991 and is updated regularly. It is possible to search a database of all the book reviews by subject keyword. Users may also sign up to receive email updates. All areas of the legal process and politics are covered.
Timelines: Sources form History British Library
FED In Print Choice Highly Recommended site; Comprehensive searchable index to Federal Reserve publications
IDEAS a database which indexes more than 200,000 working papers, many of which can be downloaded in full
eScholarship at the University of California which includes work from The Institute of Governmental Studies at UC - Berkeley.
National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) private, nonprofit, nonpartisan research organization
PolicyArchive PolicyArchive is an innovative, new digital archive of global, non-partisan public policy research. It contains summaries and full texts, videos, reports, and briefs of think tank, university, government, and foundation-funded policy research.
Social Science Research Network SSRN eLibrary consists of a database containing abstracts of over 53,000 working papers; part of the collection about 30,000 documents are available for full-text download. Database subdivisions include areas like health, leadership, negotiations, as well as political science.
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Centre for the Study of Globalisation and Regionalisim UK; working papers available from 1998 to 2011; all working papers are in pdf format.
Crisis States Research Centre London School of Economics; working papers from 2001-2010; also discussion, occasional, and briefing papers.
Manchester Centre for Political Theory (MANCEPT) Working papers back to 1998; in pdf format.
Transparency International : The Global Coalition Against Corruption see working papers, global corruption report, and policy positions.