Bureau of Economic Analysis, The U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis is your source of accurate and objective data about the nation's economy.
Bureau of Labor Statistic, BLS offers many types of data for regions, states and local areas.
Center for Global Development, Choice Highly Recommended site; Independent research and practical ideas for global prosperity.
Council of Economic Advisors, Established by Congress in 1946, the Council is charged with studying all aspects of the economy and recommending economic policies to the US president.
Economic Mobility Project: An initiative of the Pew Charitable Trusts, a joint research project between six think tanks across the political spectrum, this project has generated new findings regarding the extent and nature of socioeconomic mobility in America.
FDIC: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Choice Outstanding site; one of the agency's roles is to examine and supervise financial institutions, a role it fulfills by collecting and analyzing annual survey data from individual banks. This data and analysis is freely available on the FDIC site under the Industry Analysis tab. The Historical Statistics on Banking link leads to charts on income statement and balance sheet figures for banks from 1934 forward.
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, The Federal Reserve, the central bank of the United States, provides the nation with a safe, flexible, and stable monetary and financial system.
Global Distribution of Poverty, A project of Columbia University's Earth Institute and Center for International Earth Science Information Network, and the World Bank's Japan Policy and Human Resources Development Fund.
Index of Economic Freedom, A publication of the Heritage Foundation; covers 161 countries.
International Monetary Fund: Country Information, Choice Highly Recommended site; information on 188 countries.
International Trade Administration, a government website.
The Library of Economics and Liberty, A compilation of seminal works from commentators on economics, with a particular point of view tying all the various names together. A review noted: "Viewpoint is the recognition of the sanctity of the individual, along with a general regard for personal liberty....The site is maintained by the Liberty Fund."
Research Papers in Economics (RePEc), includes mostly full-text database of working papers, articles, chapter listings, etc.
Resources for Economists on the Internet, American Economic Association.
U. S. Department of the Treasury, Choice Outstanding site; the main organizational scheme does an admirable job of streamlining navigation of this vast organization. The six horizontal menu items directly mirror the Treasury's primary areas of focus: Coins and Currency, Economy, Illicit Finance, Financial Markets, International, and Taxes. The horizontal menu bar provides ready access to supporting information and popular links. A search box is consistently located throughout the site and provides advanced search options as well as the ability to sort results by relevancy or date. Material is reliably dated, a particularly helpful feature for researchers.
World Bank Open Data, a completely new Open Data initiative which for the first time allows Web access to the bank's vast collection of economic, social, population, and development data with no restrictions and at no cost.
World Trade Organization, The World Trade Organization is the only global international organization dealing with the rules of trade between nations.