Lumen Learning, Lumen Learning creates zero-cost courses under the creative commons licensing.
MIT OpenCourseware ,MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) is a web-based publication of virtually all MIT course content. OCW is open and available to the world and is a permanent MIT activity.
Open Culture, Take online courses from the world’s top universities for free. You will find 1,500 online courses from universities like Stanford, Yale, MIT, Harvard, Oxford and more.
Open Yale Courses, Open Yale Courses provides free and open access to a selection of introductory courses taught by distinguished teachers and scholars at Yale University. The aim of the project is to expand access to educational materials for all who wish to learn.
Webcast Berkeley, UC Berkeley’s central service for online video audio for students and learners around the globe.
Human Nutrition (FNDH 400) Flexbook-Kansas State University, Written by Brian Lindshield, anyone can use under Creative Commons licensing.
LibreText, LibreTexts content is licensed by CC BY-NC-SA 3.0.
MERLOT, MERLOT is a curated collection of free and open online teaching, learning, and faculty development services contributed and used by an international education community.
OER Commons, A project created by ISKME. Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons attribution-non Commercial ShareAlike 4.0 License.
Open Stax-Anatomy and Physiology, Anatomy and Physiology is a dynamic textbook for the two-semester human anatomy and physiology course for life science and allied health majors. The book is organized by body system and covers standard scope and sequence requirements. Its lucid text, strategically constructed art, career features, and links to external learning tools address the critical teaching and learning challenges in the course. The web-based version of Anatomy and Physiology also features links to surgical videos, histology, and interactive diagrams.
Exercise Medicine, Open access, peer-reviewed journal that aims to bridge the gap between research and practice in exercise and health promotion and in the disease prevention and treatment, and understanding of human performance and health.
International Journal of Fundamental and Applied Kinesiology, This journal publishes original research articles, review articles, preliminary notes and technical articles about "changes in abilities, motor knowledge and skills due to a programmed process of physical exercises, in regard with various biological, medical, psychological, social, educational, ethical, economic, historical and cultural aspects."
Kinesiology Channels (You Tube), Videos are designed to give students a background in Kinesiology.
Human Anatomy and Physiology Unit from Khan Academy, under creative common licenses.