OER Commons: Social Work, A project created by ISKME. Except where otherwise noted, content this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 License.
OASIS: Social Work, Searches 380,000+ records from 90+ reputable OER sites.
MERLOT: Social Work, Multimedia educational resource for learning and online teaching.
Mason OER Metafinder, searches across notable OER collections including MERLOT, OASIS, and OER Commons.
Open Textbook Library, Open Textbook Library provides a textbook called "Instruction in Functional Assessment" that introduces learners to functional assessment (FA), which includes a variety of assessment approaches (indirect, observational, and experimental) for identifying the cause of an individual’s challenging behavior for the purpose of designing effective treatments.
Creative Commons Search, Images under creative commons licenses from museums and other sites.
Social Work Podcast, Information on direct practice, research, policy, education, and more.
American Academy of Social Work & Social Welfare Webinar Series, Grand Challenges of social work webinar series by the American Academy of Social Work & Social Welfare. Videos include topics such as "Stop Family Violence", "End Homelessness", and "Financial Capability and Asset Building for all."