16th-20th Century Maps of Africa, Northwestern University
Africa Focus : Sights and Sounds of a Continent, Began life as The Africana Digitization Project at the University of Wisconsin-Madison; support is now ongoing. The site contains more than 3,000 slides, 500 photographs, and 50 hours of sounds from 45 different countries.
Africa South of the Sahara: Selected Internet Resources , Stanford University
African Studies Internet Resources, Columbia University
African Studies Center, U. Pennsylvania see the Resources menu on the top menu bar
afrika.no, formerly Index on Africa
The American Museum of Natural History Congo Expedition, 1909-1915
The Ancient Egypt Site , Actively maintained and a labor of love since 1997
Art of Being Tuareg: Sahara Nomads in a Modern World, Smithsonian online exhibit
Digital Egypt for Universities
Giza Archives Project, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Grass Roots: African Origins of an American Art, Smithsonian; National Museum of African Art; Organized by the Museum for African Art, New York, and presented online by the Smithsonian National Museum of African Art, Grass Roots is a history of 300 years of African basket making, brought by African people to the American South. This web resource includes an 86-page teachers' guide with activities for students from grades 3-12.
Organizations and Initiatives Supporting African Publishing and Book Development, formerly called The Electronic African Bookworm; supported by Hans Zell Publishing
Reading Women Writers and African Literatures , Specializes in Francophone African literature South of the Sahara
ETANA: Electronic Tools and Ancient Near Eastern Archives, Funded by the Mellow Foundation and the National Science Foundation, this cooperative effort aims to develop a "comprehensive internet site for the study of the Ancient Near East (ANE)"; website significantly updated 2011
The Story of Africa, The Story of Africa tells the history of the continent from an African perspective; BBC World Service.