The Ancient Egypt Site , actively maintained and a labor of love since 1997
Art of the First Cities: The Third Millennium B.C. From the Mediterranean to the Indus,This Web site presents almost two dozen examples of Third Millennium B.C. art from the region called the "cradle of civilization," an area stretching from the Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean across Iran and Central Asia to the Indus Valley. The site is divided into eight thematic sections: Masterpieces, Cities, The Ruler, The Divine World, Death and Burial, Writing, Seals and Sealing, Clothing and Personal Adornment.
Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative, UCLA and the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science
ETANA: Electronic Tools and Ancient Near Eastern Archives, Funded by the Mellow Foundation and the National Science Foundation, this cooperative effort aims to develop a "comprehensive internet site for the study of the Ancient Near East (ANE)"; website significantly updated 2011
Giza Archives Project, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston