Australian Dictionary of Biography, “An initiative of the National Center of Biography at the Australian National University”.
The Cornell Modern Indonesia Collection, In the 1950s, a group of scholars in Cornell University's Southeast Asia Program initiated the Cornell Modern Indonesia Project (CMIP). The intent of the program was to make contemporary analyses of Indonesia available to scholars and students. The titles were digitized by the Cornell University Library; the titles in this series are divided into four categories: Interim Reports, Translations, Monographs, and Bibliographies.
Dictionary of New Zealand Biography
Digital South Asia Library, Center for Research Libraries & the University of Chicago
East Asian Collection, University of Wisconsin - Madison; a large collection of images that document early 20th century China including the Sino-Japanese Conflict (1937-1945).
Islamic Heritage Project, The Open Collections Program; Harvard University Libraries; with the generous support of Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal the libraries have been able to digitize hundreds of Islamic manuscripts, maps, and published texts from the institution's vast holdings. All told, the project currently includes over 145,000 pages dating from the 13th to the 20th centuries CE.
Japan Center for Asian Historical Records, established in 2001, the Japan Center for Asian Historical Records (JACAR) provides Internet access to an important collection of primary materials on Japan's modern foreign relations in East Asia, broadly defined to include Southeast Asia, Pacific Islands, and Oceania.
The Mongols in World History, lavishly illustrated, this Web site is prepared by the Asia for Educators Project at Columbia University; the intent of the project is to create online curriculum materials on Asia to serve faculty and students in world history, culture, geography, art, and literature at the undergraduate and high school level.
Pew Global Attitudes Project, The Pew Research Center’s Global Attitudes Project conducts public opinion surveys around the world on a broad array of subjects ranging from people’s assessments of their own lives to their views about the current state of the world and important issues of the day. More than 270,000 interviews in 57 countries have been conducted as part of the project’s work.
Red Color-News Soldier, This website pays homage to the work of Li Zhengsheng, who took it upon himself to document the Cultural Revolution in China through photographs. This fine online exhibit includes some of the thousands of images Zhengsheng took from 1964 to 1976.
PAIR: Portal to Asian Internet Resources, University of Wisconsin
The Tibetan & Himalayan Digital Library
The Vietnam Center and Archive, Texas Tech University.
A Visual Sourcebook of Chinese Civilization, the creator of this Web site is Patricia Buckley Ebrey, who is also the author of numerous books on China, including the Cambridge Illustrated History of China and Women and the Family in Chinese History; an educational site which provides thoughtful, open-ended questions for students and well-designed guides for teachers.
The Wars for Viet Nam: 1945-1975, From Vassar College