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Education Guide (General)

General Education, K-12, Children's Literature

K-12 Education Websites

Resources For Educators, Parents, Families: Anti-Bias Lesson Plans and Resources for K-12 Education, Anti-Defamation League

Annenberg Media :, Professional development and teaching materials formerly broadcast for free by Annenberg Media via satellite--via streaming video only. The home page provides access to programs in series in the following curriculum areas: Arts, Foreign Languages, Literature and Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies and History. In addition, users can browse programs by selecting from the discipline and grade level menus at the top of the View Programs page.

Art Education for Democratic Life, The 2009 Lowenfeld Lecture by Olivia Gude; Digication, Inc., NAEA

Best Websites for Teaching and Learning, American Library Association: American Association of School Librarians.

Community Learning Network, curricular resources, school home pages, and more.

Digital Video Library, Choice Highly Recommended site; Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics: Videos to Enhance Understanding and Teaching K-12 Learning Goals.

Doing What Works [in Education], Choice Highly Recommended site; Research-based educational practice. See also: Zero to Three, lesson plans, instructional materials; one of many helpful practitioner-oriented .com sites.

EDSITEment ! : The Best of the Humanities on the Web, National Endowment for the Humanities; lots of lesson plans.

Great Web Sites for Kids, sponsored by the Association of School Libraries and the American Library Association.

Frank Potter's Science Gems, K-12 lesson plans; K-16 science experiments and exercises.

International Reading Association, Choice Highly Recommended site; the premier site for useful links to literacy and related topics.

Internet Projects Registry, part of Global School Net a nonprofit educational organization with 70,000+ members; the aim is to provide a venue for students & teachers to exchange ideas & improve learning through collaborative online learning projects.

Grantmaking at, provides a non-technical summary of ED's discretionary grant process and the laws and regulations that govern it selected K-12 homework sites.

Great Web Sites for Kids,  Association of School Librarians

KidsClick! , University of California, Berkeley

Kathy Shrock's Guide for Educator's, in production since 1995; an excellent site

Landmark Project for Schools, A site "dedicated to the idea that Information will be the raw material that drives the 21st century, and that today's students should be learning to BUILD with information."

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Choice Outstanding site; subdivided into elementary, middle and high school, along with higher education and professional development; more than 500 lesson plans.

About School Psychology, National Association of School Psychologists

Smithsonian Education

Teachable Moment, Choice Highly Recommended site; an elegant, easy-to-use site; its purpose is to offer timely teaching ideas, lesson plans, essays for discussion, and suggestions for guiding young people as they deal with social conflict in the world., Choice Outstanding site; a K-12 teacher's dream.

Teachers: Bringing the Power of Primary Sources into the Classroom, Choice Outstanding site; Library of Congress.

TechEdge / Ed Tech Article Archive, 1997-2008, articles include Mobile Digital Storytelling, Social Bookmarks 101,and Addressing Cyberbullying in Schools.

Tim van Gelder's Critical Thinking on the Web, treats the critical thinking movement in education.

Vocational Information Center

Web English Teacher, Choice Outstanding site; a review stated: English teacher Carla Beard, who created this Web site, tells users to "think of it as the faculty library and faculty workroom on a global scale." Because it is so focused, this site offers comprehensiveness and depth of materials that most English teachers will find helpful. The site is mostly geared toward middle and high school levels...

What To Expect Your First Year of Teaching , designed for use by K-12 classroom teachers. NYT and PBS provide lesson plans and other teaching aids.

New York Times Learning Network, Choice Outstanding site  This site includes links specifically aimed at students and parents, as well as teachers.  

C-Span Classroom, no lesson plans, unlike TeacherSource below

TeacherSource,  PBS;  Choice Outstanding site