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Dance and Theater
- American Ballroom Companion: Dance Instruction Manuals, ca. 1490-1920
- Choice Highly Recommended site; Library of Congress
- American Variety Stage: Vaudeville and Popular Entertainment, 1870-1920
- Choice Outstanding site; Library of Congress
- Applied & Interactive Theatre Guide
- A Brief Guide to Internet Resources in Theater and Performance Studies
- The Costume Page
- Choice Outstanding site
- Costumes, Textiles & Apparel: Highlights of the Cornell Costume & Textile Collection
- The Costumer's Manifesto
- In existence for more than 10 years; a premier site for costume and fashion information; has more than 800 pages on all aspects of costume
- The Development of Scenic Spectacle
- Choice Highly Recommended site; Mohler, emeritus Appalachian State created this "fascinating, informative, and useful Web site" to house computer-generated scale models of Renaissance and Baroque scenic effects and scene-changing machinery based on Italian manuscripts.
- Didaskalia: Ancient Theater Today
- Choice Highly Recommended site
- Dramatists Play Service, Inc
- Inter-play: An On-line Index to Plays in Collections, Anthologies & Periodicals
- sparse interface, but effective search engine; Portland State University Library
- Internet Off-Broadway Database
- A program of the Lucille Lortel Theatre; A catalogue of all shows ever produced Off-Broadway.
- Kabuki for Everyone
- Kabuki is a traditional form of Japanese theater
- Motley Collection of Theatre & Costume Design
- Choice Highly Recommended site; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; visually stunning and extremely user-friendly; an invaluable resource for those interested in the history of theater and design
- The New Deal Stage
- Choice Highly Recommended site; Part of the American Memory Project; provides access to primary source documents of theatrical productions sponsored by the WPA and the FTP (Federal Theatre Project) from 1935-1939.
- O' An Electronic Eugene O'Neill Archive
- Choice Highly Recommended site; more a guide to archives, than access to texts
- Playbill Online
- The Playwriting Seminars
- Choice Highly Recommended site; Created by Richard Toscan (Virginia Commonwealth Univ.), the "seminars" comprise a nested series of 230 pages offering practical guidance to the conventions of the well-made play typically sought by the regional theater companies that provide the majority of venues for contemporary non-experimental drama. Everything is explained in terms of theatrical viability more than aesthetic principle per se.
- Sapphire Swan Dance Directory
- Television Production
- Choice Highly Recommended site; From an academic review: "A stellar example of an electronic text, this site is unique in that it is a comprehensive course offered at no cost to the user. Web master Ron Whittaker, author of several television production texts, offers the site with the plea that users make a "moral payment" to use the knowledge to benefit society. The site is well structured and offers many advantages over a print text, primary among them quick updating of material (the bane of print texts). The site presents 70 informative modules (complete with more than 500 graphics) covering scripting and proposals, technical processes and equipment, camera controls and lenses, lighting, audio, editing, and careers. "
- Zora Neale Hurston Plays at the Library of Congress
- Choice Outstanding site